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  • 07800 850 682

    Acoustic Systems

    The growing popularity of modern, multi occupancy buildings requires greater attention to the way sound energy travels through buildings. Lessons learnt from older buildings and past construction materials have led to the development of clever solutions to prevent sound energy waves traveling from one room to another.

    Masonry walls can be coated with a thin layer of a sand/cement mix known as soundblock. This subtle coating seals any holes, cavities, or fissures in the wall, helping to reduce the transmission of sound energy.

    Specialised plasterboards and other high-density boards can be used to help keep the noise transmission to a minimum. The construction of these boards provides a dense surface with added material to absorb sound.

    Dedicated metal work systems provide fixing solutions for walls and ceilings, these systems isolate or limit the amount of contact area of a board from the adjacent surface further eliminating the transfer of noise.

    Insulating material also plays an important role in controlling noise transfer. In appearance these products look like any other form of loft insulation, and indeed they also offer the same insulating properties. The greater the density of the insulation the greater the acoustic performance.

    The combination of acoustic metal, Specialised boards and acoustic insulation can deliver a significant noise reduction, each individual component holding a certified decibel (db) noise reduction rating.