• Mon – Sat: 07:00 – 17:00
  • 07800 850 682


    The risk of fire is an age-old problem for buildings, many older construction materials are flammable, and the design of older buildings could have been better. More than ever, protection from fire is a critical part of any building design.

    Using certified products, we can build fire protection routes and dividing barriers designed to hold back fire for a defined period. Specialised boards, insulation, sealants, and foam all come together to provide a safe barrier to slow the spread of fire.

    Fire protection now extends beyond the walls and ceilings of habitable spaces, using dedicated fireproof insulation, roof voids, shafts and cavities can be protected, thus inhibiting the spread of combustion within the hidden areas of a building.

    Protecting the steel beams or wooden frames used in modern construction has become much easier with the advent of non-combustible boards. Exceedingly dense, these boards can be cut to size then attached to the vulnerable surface. Less dense boards are also available, they cost less and provide a certified period of fire resistance.

    Over 70% of the work we do relates to fire protection, our fire projects are completed to the highest standard, as a team we fully understand the importance of protecting life and the consequences of getting it wrong.